Je m’appelle Mara

📍Current location: Bournemouth, UK

From Monday to Friday, I teach  in a secondary school in the south of England.
When I’m not doing this, I am probably at church.
If not, I am home, reading blogs or watching videos, getting inspired by Kings and Queens around the world.

I was born in Haiti -lived there for 10 years-, was living in France -for 10 other years-, set residency in the south of England.

On my blog, I discuss : Style x Makeup x Life x All things nice

Hope you enjoy the read around here and hope to see you back soon. Until then,

Be empowered highness

See a Queen, Salute a Queen!

30.3.2020 Update: I have been in Haiti for the past 6 months. I still teach… whenever schools are running. I teach English now.
As of Jan 2021: I have come back to England for various reasons. I am looking forward to return to Haiti.

2 thoughts on “About

  1. Salute you queen! Wow!! From the little I’ve read from your blog, I love it!!😃 I came across it on a search on Ps Micheal Todd’s #RelationshipGoals but I think God had a plan for me to find more than just that. Power to you lady💪🏾.

    Sandra, from South Africa, sending you love and all the best wishes in prayer.

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Oh wow!! Thank you so much for that! It is true quite a few people have been stumbling on my blog because of the Relationship Goals post but there is more and more to come by the grace of God. Thank you for the love and prayers. Remain blessed queen x

      Liked by 1 person

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